Sunday, June 25, 2017

How can students connect with the WORLD outside of FAWN GROVE?

My ELA students this year will be participating in a Global Read Aloud of “A Long Walk to Water” by Linda Sue Park.  This book is based on a true story about a girl that walks eight hours every day for water, and a young boy that walks away from his war-torn village.

Students will be completing many different activities through multiple pathways to develop a real-life learning from this book.  We will be connecting and learn through the following applications: Skype in the Classroom, Global Nomads Group, and LucidPress.
Skype in the Classroom:  We will be connecting with students in other states and hopefully other countries through Skype in the Classroom for face-to-face conversations about the book as we read. Along with viewing webcast that was previously recorded to continue the learning about the Sudan and how children’s access to water in other countries differs from that in Fawn Grove. One of the resources we will be able to view is a virtual field trip through a town in Kenya Africa, to see and explore the differences between the culture in Africa and that we experience.

Global Nomads Group: I am very excited to link our learning from the Global Read Aloud book “A Long Walk to Water” to the project based learning that is collaboratively happening across the world through Global Nomads on “Students Rebuild Water Challenge.”  Through this lesson, students examine the water crisis that is prevalent in many areas of the world and research how different organizations are trying to provide clean drinking water to those without it.  The students will also participate in a Water Walk Challenge, where they will carry buckets of water for a distance to help develop an understanding of the struggles of having to bring clean water instead of just going to the kitchen sink.
Through the use of webcast, students will be able to watch and listen to a discussion between a teenager in NYC and students in Tanzania, where the students share how the water crisis has affected their lives in Tanzania.

Lucidpress: We will be using Lucidpress with small groups or independently depending on student choice to complete a publication to share with other classes and our families. The publication will include information about the experience of being part of the Global Read Aloud, the knowledge we gained from the book and collaborative activities, and what each person can do to continue to make a change in the lives of others.

Knowledge Constructor: Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.
Global Collaborator: Students use digital tools to broaden their perspectives and enrich their learning by collaborating with others and working effectively in teams locally and globally.

Creative Communicator: Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals.

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