Monday, June 26, 2017

Grammar, What’s the PERIOD.

Summer is officially here!

(Noun, linking verb, adverb, noun)

Students view summer as a time for fun, sleeping in, no homework, and hopefully limited learning traditionally.  As a teacher, my only request is to KEEP READING daily.  Teachers uniquely view summer.  Teachers see summer as a time to do many of the same types of things.  Mr. Wise (7th-grade science teacher), our children and I have enjoyed many fun activities this summer with much more to come.  

I have done LOTS of sleeping in and staying up late watching Netflix with my girls.  I also have been reading, but not just books for enjoyment.  I have been reading 6th-grade books to use in the classroom or to talk about in the classroom library, I have been reading professional books, I call these the “How to be a better teacher” books, and I have been reading school books.  The last type of books is important to me because I want my classroom to be better every year.
The class that I am currently taking through Eduspire, Tech-Infused Classroom: discusses all the different ways that classroom teachers can use technology to meet not just the common core standards but also the ISTE standards.  The ISTE standards is a set of standards to guide educators through the use of technology,  The final assignment for this class is to reflect and revise a current lesson to increase engagement through the ISTE Standards and the 5 teacher based components outlined in the article 10 Key Components of Customized Learning.

While thinking about my classroom, one of the lessons that are important that students sometimes find boring, and I as a teacher find difficult to meet all students needs, is the weekly GRAMMAR lessons.  Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adverbs, Prepositions …….. The list goes on, but each student is an individual and has prior knowledge and usage of the different types of grammar.  This unique learning style has caused me to rethink HOW to TEACH grammar, my decision is to let YOU the student choose the order, the amount of practice, who you work on for the collaborative activities, and when to take the assessment. The outcome of this class’s final project and my desire to give more student choice is Independent Grammar Lessons.

Independent Grammar Lessons Through Google Classroom

Introduction: Students will complete a Nearpod Lesson, that will include a video, definitions, and practice.
Practice: Students will be given the opportunity to practice the grammar skill they are working on through multiple pathways, such as computer-based games, worksheets, and task cards.
Individual Instruction: Students will have the opportunity to meet with the teacher for instruction and review on the concept.
Requirements: Students will be required to complete an INB page for notes based on the introduction and practice. Students will also be required to complete the corresponding lesson on Mobymax with an 80% before taking the test.

Assessment: Students will complete the correct Google Form based on the grammar skill they are testing. Students have the opportunity to show review and retest if a score below 70% is the result of the formal assessment.

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